The CHELTEN JAM will be on Friday, Jul 26th at 7 PM at the Abington Baptist Church

Get on our email list to get the exact date of our next Jam or Activity or Event.

For more info see Jam page or call 215-885-0504

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We appreciate any donations that you can make. (click button below)
Transition Cheltenham in the News

Montgomery Newspapers - Glenside News Times Chronicles, Mar 6, 2011, Transition Cheltenham to present honors at event

Rappoport's Rules of Disorder, Mar 2, 2011, Party with Purpose

Citizens Call, Feb 7, 2011, Civic Group Set to Help Move Town Toward Sustainablility

Transition US, Feb 2, 2011, Transition Cheltenham Becomes US' 78th Official Transition Initiative

To date, there are 82 Transition Initiaties across the US, listed here.  Some we like are:
   Transition Town Montpelier in Vermont
   Transition Town Ashland in North Carolina
   Transition Whatcom in Washington Transition Ann Arbor in Michigan
   Transition Greater New Haven in Connecticut
   Transition Northampton in Massachusetts

Then there's the list of official Transition Initiatives across the globe and those still mulling it over.