The CHELTEN JAM will be on Friday, Jul 26th at 7 PM at the Abington Baptist Church

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For more info see Jam page or call 215-885-0504

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We appreciate any donations that you can make. (click button below)
About Us

Transition Cheltenham in the News   About Transition Towns in General

Other Transition Towns  |  How to get Your Own Transition Town Underway

Transition Cheltenham is a group of neighbors intent on building a strong, healthy, sustainable community using renewable, non-polluting resources.  The Transition Towns concept started in England, and now is a global forum sharing best practices in energy, health, nutrition, gardening, economy and other areas.  It encourages Communities to learn and share their concerns about issues like peak oil and climate change and  the things that will impact our future, and to use our join knowledge and a shared cameraderie to  put solutions on the table
In January, 2011 we became the 78th official US Transition Town and the 350th globally!  As of Jan 2014 there are 147 in the US and 471 worldwide  .

We meet  in Cheltenham  monthly, and hold monthly events.  In addition, we attend Township meetings, offer speaking engagements  and offer assistance where needed to fellow residents. We conduct  a wide variety of activities that involve the community, via direct action or education .  Some of our  many accomplishments include:

Establishing a regular "News and  Updates" mailings so residents can connect in to all the happenings in their communities and get the relevant news

osting a  film events (Meaningful Movie Nights) including such notable works such  as "Genetic Roulette" (on GMO's) and Gasland (on Fracking )

Gathering existing practitioners', (those already involved in grassroots sustainability activities), and giving awards to local "Visionairies" who are improving the community

Atending rallies, roundtables and symposiums and working with other local organizations who are doing important issue -oriented work  &  connecting residents  to them

Hosting an 'Un-Car Picnic' highlighting ways to get around without a car, and beginning the ground -work for bike trails, enhanced pedestrian walkways, etc.

Hosting a 'Locavore' Banquet & Mini-Fest which featured locally grown food that participants had to ferret out  as well as local activists, artists, artisans, musicians et al

Compiling / creating 
a  Flooding Timeline  from 1920's to today  to connect and inform township residents suffering from frequent flooding

Attending and reporting on flood, sewer , infrastructure, Act 537 and other inportant meetings so as to keep residents updated and encourage their participation

Helping to break-down the zoning rewrite issues and be sure residents work together understand how they may be impacted and where to find the information

Helping residents with individual issues, finding information,  and highlighting  the sustainable aspects of zoning or other issues that they are navigating

Delving into school taxes  to give "financial sustainability" issues a place at the "sustainability table" 

Helping residents understand where their political districts  are, find their  representatives and connect in to their  government process

Joining those who worked to get government  meetings televised and who work to put the tools of good government in place for all to use...

Learning about our own form of government and alternative ones - ie via  field trips to view alternative processes, such as self -governed and cooperative communities

Intitiating "Politiquiz " event nights - where, amid laughter, food and drink, we challenge each other to see how much you know our own community abnd how it works

Offering  ongoing Tai-Chi classes by appointment or as a "drop -on-in activity.....

Facilitating  music jams nights  where local musicians of all genres  can meet and share music on a regular basis

Supporting local busineses and most especially those locally owned, by highlighting their events and special offerings and sharing the benefits of "going local"

Compiling / creating a
Home Greening Guide 

Compiling / creating  a  Local Food Guide

Compiling / creating 
a Book Guide

Hosting  events,workshops, tours & gatherings on Vegetable Gardening & Composting, Group Gardening sessions,  Integrated Pest Management, Backyard Chickens, etc 

Hosting Permaculture and Energy Conservation workshops

These are just a few of the things we have accomplished by joining forces with others in our community. 
We  invite  you to join in and become a spoke in the wheel of sustainable progress. 
It's fun. Tell us what you would love to see "grow" in your community and how you might like to engage your talents & passions in this process.