The CHELTEN JAM will be on Friday, August 23 at 7 PM at the Abington Baptist Church

Get on our email list to get the exact date of our next Jam or Activity or Event.

For more info see Jam page or call 215-885-0504

or email

We appreciate any donations that you can make. (click button below)
Flood Resource Guide

What to do First :
Check out your towns codebook and your towns website for flood resources first
Understand the ordinances that apply
Understand what is being budgeted
Understand where you  are in the "remediation rotation"
Find Local Flood sites - google or facebook searches for "Cheltenham Flooding"
Contact us to be connected to others working on Flood Issues in the Township
Help  get  your Township meetings on TV so if you miss one you still know what's happening

Cheltenham Townships Flood page
Cheltenham Flood Resources & Floodplain Changes also found here

PA Flood Plain Management Act Act 166 0f 1978

Public Liability for Flood Hazard Mitigation

DEP (Dept Envirommental Protection)
Barry Newman /

PA Department of Environmental Protection - Bureau of Waterways Engineering
400 Market Street   3rd Floor Rachel Carson State Office Building  Harrisburg, PA 17101  
Jake Kernoschak, Chief Engineer 717-783-7723   717-787-3411 or (717- 783-0155?)  /
Patricia    McSparran /  Doug Hill

US EPA  Stormwater regs

US EPA  NPDES  MS4 guide
Pennypack Watershed - Watershed Management Guidelines   ( # ? )
FEMA National FEMA Insurance Program Guidelines

FEMA  Apply for assistance

FEMA guidelines for rebuilding in a  Flood Plain

Clean Water Act (summary)
The Pennsylvania Clean Streams Law

Find what watershed your street is in