The CHELTEN JAM will be on Friday, April 26th at 7 PM at the Abington Baptist Church

Get on our email list to get the exact date of our next Jam or Activity or Event.

For more info see Jam page or call 215-885-0504

or email

We appreciate any donations that you can make. (click button below)
Our Local Economy Action Group

fostering local economy
highlighting locally owned businesses
introducing Time Banks

What we've done:
What we'd like to take on:

Please contact us if you would like to share your time and ideas towards sustainable economy measures

"Our first task is to
create a shadow economic, social, and even technological structure
that will be ready to take over as the existing system fails."
David Ehrenfeld, p141 of Transition Handbook

"The hope for change resides in the people
who are engaged in rebuilding their local economies."
David Korten, p15 of Yes! Magazine, Fall 2010