The CHELTEN JAM will be on Friday, April 26th at 7 PM at the Abington Baptist Church

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For more info see Jam page or call 215-885-0504

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We appreciate any donations that you can make. (click button below)
Things You Can Do To Make a Difference

 ( The BIG 10 )
First: Measure your  Eco Footprint at:  5 to 7 years old    8 to 11 years old       12 years & up
Here are 10 things do to make your Eco Footprint smaller: 

1.  Adopt-A-Spot at School & in your Neighborhood to keep litter-free—ask for trash &
     recycle bins if needed at school, in the park or in front of businesses.
2.  Litter Bag in car, daypack for walking/biking—take your trash home if no trashcans
3.  At home—Tie up or cover your trash so it doesn’t blow down the street.
Precycle: Refuse-Reduce-Reuse-Recycle:
4.   Use cloth bags, towels & napkins and reusable containers instead of plastic or paper
5.   Drink & Carry tap water, not bottled—reusable, cheaper & healthier
6.   Choose organic, locally grown vegetables and fruits. Eat less meat and dairy. Join a     
        CSA, Shop Farmers’ Markets, Grow a garden—less packaging & energy, healthier! 
7.   Compost vegetable, fruit scraps and yard waste for rich soil for your garden
8.   Recycle whatever you can: glass, metal, plastic, paper, cardboard, batteries…
9.   Make a report about your school’s recycling program—how could it be even better?
10. Reuse materials for art and projects—Paper Bank (big box) for paper/one side blank

And here's another great list !