The CHELTEN JAM will be on Friday, April 26th at 7 PM at the Abington Baptist Church

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Heart & Soul Group

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The Heart and Soul of the Transition Town concept is about bringing people together , in a joyous way, and helping them create a vision for their own community.   What do you love in your community, and what do you  want to grow?    The Heart and Soul movement  reflects  the idea of building a resilient community in a manner that looks more like a party than a protest march....

     We work on outreach and awareness as well as the aspect of helping people face change. Our goal is to take action steps  toward the vision we hold.  And to build and create a deeper sense of community in the process.  What is the character  of our community? What do we see in our future? How can all be included?

ENGAGEMENT : So, the first part of Heart and Soul definitely involves outreach -  engaging  the community in as many ways as are possible.  Food ,  music and merriment will definitely be involved  - as well as serious discussions  and a great deal of effort  getting to know and understand all who make up this community.

AWARENESS : We will create an  awareness of the challenges that we face, and let everyone know that there is a  way for them to join with others and  fashion a  positive picture for the future of their community

FACING CHANGE :  The process of change itself  is difficult for some. 
                                   There are stages of change to be considered. 

               Dream it :   From Pre-Contemplation to Awareness and Contemplation
                             Provide motivating factors
                             Deal with the ambivalence
                             Ponder the visible and not-so visible resistances that  will be encountered
                             What vision do we have

              Plan it :  Moving from Contemplation into Action
                           What needs to be done ?
                            Where do we want to go ?
                            How do we get there - what is the first Action Step? 

              Do it :  Implementing the Steps
                           Include as many elements as you need to to make a positive experience for all
                           Enlist as many as you can to join in the process for the sense of community

              Celebrate it :  Enjoy what you've accomplished !                  

              Continue Forward : Review what you've done  and plan the next step !

Your ideas are welcome - 
contact us if you are interested in joining this group or in sharing ideas