Transition Cheltenham



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A Locavore Banquet
and Mini -
Celebrating our Town’s Growing Capacity to produce, acquire, and enjoy locally grown foods.
Commissioner Kathy Hampton is hosting this event on

Saturday, August 28   5-8 PM

 Curtis Hall/Arboretum

Greenwood Ave. & Church Rd. 
Wyncote, PA 19095


rain or shine
(in case of rain, all activities will be modified to fit inside Curtis Hall )

For the Banquet: Bring a dish to share that was grown or produced within 100 miles  and your own drinks
and your own utensils, cups etc ( zero waste if possible is our goal ! )  Bring  information on an index card
 about where your food  was grown or produced (and the recipe on back would be great, too )

For the Fest:  Bring a chair or blanket and your instruments, voices, and other talents
such as poetry, storytelling or dance to share.  (No plug-ins, please - only "human power" )

For Our Future:  Meet folks from local farms, food cooperatives, farmers markets and purveyors
 of locally grown food.     Learn about food security and the importance of sustainable  practices.
Local food production and availability are central to our families' well being  and to the resilience
            of our township
and  central to a decrease in reliance on fossil fuels. It also is
 kinder to our environment,
healthier, and helps  us stay in touch with the people and the methods   that are producing it. 
It strengthens our community bonds.

Local  producers  and purveyors can be found on our website:

           For more INFORMATION email:   or


Transition Towns are groups of neighbors intent on building strong, healthy, sustainable communities using renewable, non-polluting resources. By accessing the wisdom, talents and strengths of our neighbors, we seek to inspire, support, connect, train and empower one another, to produce local food, clean energy, goods and services to make our community resilient and energy efficient.